Aro-spec Awareness Week Interviews #7 – Aces with Luv


Answers from Mod K

Q1. When did you first discover the term Aromanticism? I was 16 when I found the label, and have been questioning on and off ever since then.

Q2. Why is Aromantic Awareness/Visibility important to you?

Aro visibility and awareness is a way for me to express my pride in being on the aromantic spectrum. Being loud about it combats my own internal arophobia and helps me come to terms with my aromanticism. In doing so, I’m also hoping that I can help other aros accept and be proud of themselves. 

Visibility to me is giving words to people to express themselves, to be able to give people words they can use to describe themselves, and the relationship they want.

Q3. What advice would you give to someone that is just learning about being aro-spec? No matter your opinion of yourself and your label, you’re perfect the way you are. Reach out and connect to the community. AVEN, AUREA, aromantic-official on tumblr, fuckyeahasexual are all excellent resources for people who are new to the community.

Q4. How did you come up with the idea for an aro and ace resource that is linked with a group?

We (the mods) met through a group chat of asexual ARMYs. For me, it was the first ace community that I felt truly comfortable in since I identified. A lot of us in the chat, and as ARMYs in general, have come to love ourselves through the efforts of BTS. We wanted to spread that love and acceptance and fun beyond the 50 people in the chat. Personally, I also wanted a platform to educate the community and express asexuality and aromanticism in my own words.

Although it started with an ace chat, both mods are aro/ace, and we have multiple arospec members in the chat; so naturally this resource extends to acespecs and arospecs.

Q5. Anything else you would like to add about your experience being Aro?

Fandom spaces used to fuck with me a lot as a romance repulsed aro, but drawing boundaries being in a community that enjoys the same things as you really really helps a lot. Technically this applies not only for aros but it’s still important imo haha. It’s ok to stay away from fandoms if the shipping gets too much.

Answers from Mod J

Q1. When did you first discover the term Aromanticism?

I don’t actually remember when exactly I first heard about Aromanticism. There have been far too many late night Tumblr binges and YouTube rabbit holes for me to pinpoint the exact moment at which I first encountered the concept of being aromantic (though I’m pretty sure that I first learned about it while researching some unfamiliar terms I had read in a fanfiction, which I was unfamiliar with) that must have been at least five or six years ago, so at age 15 or 16.

Q2. Why is Aromantic awareness/education important to you?

 I personally am very aware of the fact that I’m very lucky to have encountered Aromanticism at a fairly young age. I am equally aware that not everyone is as lucky as I was. I know for a fact that I would have been much more uncomfortable with myself if I had not known that there was the possibility that I might not just be “a late bloomer” but rather aromantic (and asexual, for that matter). I think it’s truly important to give everyone the opportunity to figure themselves out. Growing up is difficult enough when you already have the correct vocabulary to express all the facets of your life. If you take that vocabulary away it might just become an insurmountable task.

Q3. What advice would you give it to someone that is just learning about being Aro-spec?

 OK. Deep breath. I know it can seem kind of overwhelming right now. There seem to be so many new labels and identities that you have never heard of before. At this point you might relate to one or more of them. That’s completely OK. Get to know one or more of them a little closer. Maybe try to get in contact with someone else who is aromantic. Go at your own pace. There is no need for hurry. At the end of the day you know yourself best. There’s no one who gets to decide how you feel or identify. And even if you don’t want to label yourself (or you aren’t on the aromantic spectrum at all) at the end of this journey you will know a little more about this world and the beautiful people who live in it.

Q4. How did you come up with the idea for in Aro & Ace resource that is linked with a group (BTS)?

I actually didn’t come up with the idea. This account was created entirely thanks to Kue. However, when they brought up the idea, I was immediately taken by it. Because, while I had been aware of the community for quite some time now, I only really felt like a part of it when I found my own little group of aces through BTS.

I also realize that it isn’t always easy to except parts about yourself that seem outside the norm. However, I believe connecting these new parts off yourself with something that is dear to you makes the process of excepting yourself a lot easier. In short, I wanted to give others the opportunity to find a way to except themselves, love themselves, the same way but I did.

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